Vose and Sons Pianos

Like most Boston-based piano makers, Vose and Sons has stood the expectation of manufacturing truly exceptional pianos. Despite the fact that these pianos are no longer manufactured, they are still lined up with some of the best pianos of our age.

Company History

James Whiting Vose established in the company in 1851 on Washington Street in Boston. Boston was home to a huge population of old world craftsmen who had immigrated to the United States from the old country during the 19th century.

These craftsmen all had the amazing skills in woodworking and piano building, and Vose was one of them; having all these talents, he took the advantage of the time and workforce he had to open a business that, unknown to him, would someday become one of the most well known names in the industry.

Vose manufactured a number of high quality square grand, upright, and grand pianos under the name “James W. Vose” during his time. In 1889, James brought his sons into the business and established the name we know today as Vose and Sons.

During the 1920s, Vose and Sons opened a new state-of-the-art factory in Watertown, Greater Boston. The Great Depression appeared not long after and the firm was forced to become a part of the huge Aeolian-American Corporation. The Vose name continued to be manufactured until the 1980’s when Aeolian went out of business.

Vose and Sons is one of the finest pianos we see coming through our restoration shop today.

Vose and Sons Today

Many of these pianos have made it up to our present day. Since they are no longer manufactured, Vose and Sons can now be seen in second hand shops, restoration and rebuilding facilities.

Despite their age, piano technicians and piano rebuilders often refer to Vose pianos as "work horses," simply saying that these instruments are well made and that they can endure heavy use and long periods of time.

Anyone who considers a Vose and Sons piano for purchase, or to rebuild, is choosing a piano, worthy of restoration and repair.

In spite of their age, many still seek these pianos out, desiring to have one for themselves, as Vose and Sons have proven to endure under the test of time.

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Vose and Sons
Serial Numbers and Piano Age

In the list of serial numbers below, locate your Vose and Sons piano age.

1853 - 500
1855 - 1400
1860 - 2900
1865 - 3600
1870 - 5000
1880 - 13000
1885 - 17000
1890 - 26300
1895 - 35000
1900 - 44000
1905 - 57000
1910 - 68000
1915 - 78000
1920 - 86000
1925 - 93300
1930 - 101000
1970 - 102700
1975 - 114100
1980 - 119100
1982 - 120200


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