Weber Pianos

Weber Pianos easily commands the attention of anyone who has keen interests in music and musical instruments. It has been one of the most enduring names in the world of piano manufacturing because of the distinct music that it produces.

Company History

At the age of 24, Albert Weber opened his first piano store in West Broadway in New York. It won immediate praise and recognition after it was introduced into the market.

Some of the many awards and recognitions the company had received were the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876; at the American Exhibition in London, in 1887, and at the Paris Exposition in 1889.

Around 1883 King Alphonso XIII of Spain bestowed the Royal Warrant to Weber and made it the official piano manufacturer of the royal family of Madrid.

In 1932, Weber associated with Eolian Co. signing a contract with the company that oversees the manufacture of over twenty piano brands.

In 1987, Young Chang acquired the company and still continues the legacy of producing one of the finest pianos in the world.

Who Chooses Weber

Many well known personalities throughout history have shown favor to Weber’s high quality pianos.

Among these people were Ignacy Padarewski (1860-1941), an international pianist from Poland, Colonel James Mapleson, a famous opera planner from England chose Weber pianos for his eight-year long U.S. performance.

Moriz Rosenthal only used a Weber piano to compose his celebrated Papillons and in some of his famous recitals in his U.S. tours.

Queen Elizabeth of the British Empire, Wilhelm II of Germany and Benito Mussolini all owned a Weber piano. The owner of the internationally renowned tea brand Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton purchased a Weber piano to be given to the Queen of Spain as a wedding gift. All these show the significance of Weber pianos for the privileged class at their times.

Weber Pianos
Serial Numbers

Find your the age of your Weber Piano by locating the serial number in the chart below. Having trouble locating the serial number? Visit our Serial Numbers page for assistance -- CLICK HERE

1903 - 54700 . . 1964 - 98738
1910 - 64500 . . 1965 - 99100
1920 - 76000 . . 1966 - 99440
1930 - 81300 . . 1967 - 99800
1940 - 90700 . . 1968 - 10002
1950 - 94600 . . 1969 - 100044
1960 - 96850 . . 1970 - 100082
1961 - 97368 . . 1971 - 100323
1962 - 97887 . . 1977 - 100432
1963 - 98329 . . 1978 - 100733

Visit the Weber & Co. Website to View their Piano Line -- Click Here

Looking for the Current Market Value of your Weber Piano?
See our Appraisals Page for more information -- CLICK HERE


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