Charles R. Walter Pianos

Charles R. Walter pianos are one of the most recognized brands in the world, not only due to the distinctive rich sounds they produce, but also because of the innovations the company has made to better give the instruments a higher class of distinct features from other brands.


The company’s origin can be traced back from 1901 when Web Janssen produced his first piano in New York. Years later, in 1964, the Janssen brand was purchased by C. G. Conn where extensive research and technological advancements were made to enhance the quality of pianos they manufacture. In the early 1960’s they introduced the first computer designed piano in the American market.

In 1964, Charles R. Walter joined the C.G. Conn company and three years later he was appointed as head of Piano Design and Development Engineering. In 1970, Walter purchased the company and changed the name to The Walter Piano Company and continued to manufacture Janssen pianos until 1976.

Charles R. Walter cut back the production number of the instruments to secure the quality and attention given to each unit. Furthermore, he exerted much effort in his research, given his extensive engineering background and mechanical ability, to create the finest quality pianos on the market. The latest outcomes of this hard work are the all-new Charles R. Walter Concert Console and Studio pianos.

Mr. Walter signs his own name as the "Signature of Quality" to these pianos in order to highlight his personal interest in assuring and maintaining the highest quality of piano, in design and in production standards. These pianos were introduced in 1975 and have been highly praised as the finest quality vertical pianos on the market today.

Present Day Manufacturing

Today, Charles R. Walter pianos include their Grand, Console and Studio pianos. Their Grand pianos are available in four different designs, the Traditional Mahogany, Chippendale Cherry, Traditional Walnut and Traditional Ebony. Walter Console Pianos come in six designs, the Traditional, French Provincial, Italian Provincial, Queen Anne, Country Classic and The Riviera.

Meanwhile, Their Studio pianos have two designs, the Studio Oak and Studio Walnut. The expert craftsmanship exerted in these instruments combined with the unique features installed in them makes these pianos live up to the praise they have been receiving as the finest of quality musical instruments.

Looking for an Appraisal of a new or used Charles R. Walter piano?

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