Piano Services
Offered by Total Piano Care

Piano services are just a click away. Submit a request to hire a:

  • Piano Tuner
  • Piano Technician
  • Piano Rebuilder
  • Piano Refinisher

Or, do you need a quote for piano tuning or piano repair? What about more comprehensive services such as hammer voicing? action regulation? refinishing? rebuilding?

Our company serves all of Southern California and specializes in all areas of piano tuning, repair, restoration, and rebuilding.

If your piano is due for rebuilding or restoration, distance is not an issue. Ask for a Customized Quote to Restore Your Piano, here.

We service all makes and models of pianos including:

Yamaha - Steinway & Sons - Bosendorfer - K. Kawai - Schimmel - Fazioli - Kimball - Petrof - Mason & Hamlin - Samick - Kohler & Campbell - Bluthner - Chickering - Baldwin - Story & Clark - Estonia - Kemble - Knabe - Charles R. Walter

Ask about our piano service packages for discounted year-round, monthly, or weekly service visits. We offer competitive, complete, and affordable piano care and maintenance packages to fit your needs and budget.

Initial Service Visit Minimum Charge: $249.00

Standard Piano Tuning: $175

Estimated time: 90-120 minutes, with no pitch correction.

Piano must originate within 5 cents, flat or sharp, of A440hz to qualify for this cost.

Pitch Raise: $75, up to 35 cents flat.

Estimated Time: 120-200 minutes with a standard tuning.

Secondary Pitch Raise: $55; when the corrected pitch falls to over >20 cents flat

Estimated Time: 60-90 minutes, after initial pitch correction.

Upright Regulation: >$800 to $950, on average.

Grand Regulation >$950 to $1,200, on average.

-- Sticky Key Repair

  • Keytop Replacement:

- $525 Full Set Keytops (Naturals Only)

- $225 Key Fronts (Naturals Only)

- $175 Refinish Sharps

  • Key Bushing Replacement:

- $325 Per Each Rail [Front or Balance Rail]

  • Key Leveling and Spacing
  • Hammer Replacement

>$3,000 Upright - Premium Hammers

>$3,500 Grand - Premium Hammers

>$4,500 Steinway Hammers w/Shanks

Prices do not reflect moving charges to and from shop for installation.

Full Installation Includes: Dehumidifier, Humidifier and Humidistat, Standard Tuning [A440hz] included after system stabilization within 60 days of installation.

- Upright >$650

- Grand >$750

- Concert Grand: >$850

- Dehumidifier Only >$350 to $475

All Dampp-Chaser Systems Include a 5 Year Factory Warranty.

>$4,500 Full Restringing with New Tuning Pins & Strings

>$7,500 to $9,500 Full Restringing w/New Pin Block, Regilded Plate, Soundboard Repaired and/or Shimmed, and New Bridge Caps.

  • Refinishing

Spinet >$2,950

Console >$3,500

Upright 45" or taller >$4,000

Grand - no fill, up to 6 ft. >$6,000

Grand - up to 6 ft, hand rubbed, >$7,000

Grand - over 6 ft. hand rubbed finish, >$8,000

9 Ft. Concert Grand >$10,000

[Prices reflect pianos shipped to Southern California Providers, Only]

  • Recondition Action Parts 

Receive at NO EXTRA CHARGE, on your next visit upon request:

Comprehensive Piano Evaluation

Receive a comprehensive inspection of your piano's condition, including the year of manufacture, as well as the approximate fair market value of your piano, at your next upcoming service visit.

Restoration and Rebuilding Services - Contact Us for a Quote

Piano Buying Assistance - Contact Us for more information.

Contact us for a FREE QUOTE and to schedule your piano service visit today.


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