QRS PNOScan Studio:
Acoustic Piano
Acoustic Piano Meets
Digital Musical Powerhouse

QRS PNOscan Studio enables any acoustic piano to become a master midi controller powerhouse, recording studio, musical notation interface, or a piano teaching phenomenon.

Pianists and musicians can now instantly capture every nuance, subtlety, note, phrase, and expression, of piano performances and practice sessions, into musical notation software, from any acoustic piano.

Opening up a world of possibilities, PNOScan allows pianists to transform any acoustic piano into a midi controller masterpiece, never fully imagined, nor realized, in the realm of acoustic pianos, prior to its inception.

QRS PNOscan Studio: No technology in the way.
Just play.

PNOScan utilizes optical sensors, and is essentially, a "touchless" system. It does not affect the touch or sound of an acoustic piano, since it is optical in nature, and captures the slightest movement of each key, at 1,000x per second, per sensor, per each piano key.

Writing music, creating songs, scoring an orchestra, and transcribing musical notation on an acoustic piano are now made easy and possible, with PNOScan.

Imagine for a moment: You sit down to play at your OWN ACOUSTIC PIANO.

You press the record button. For a moment, the anxiety and worry about YOUR MUSIC being GONE from your MIND FOREVER, BEFORE you EVER HAVE to WRITE IT DOWN, is now a thing of the past.

Acoustic piano music can now be captured, notated, recreated, recomposed, and redefined through the use of this system.

Whether you use Apple's Garage Band, Sibelius, Score Cloud, or Playground Sessions, your acoustic piano is now a master midi controller.

Never before has an acoustic piano had the ability to accomplish what could only be accomplished on a digital keyboard.

Orchestral instruments can now be played synchronously with your piano, or on their own (instead of your piano), with the silent feature. Choose sounds from any midi device: strings, cello, choir, woodwinds, brass, or a flute section, to create your music.

Your options are virtually limitless. 

Almost any master midi controller keyboard allows you to have access to an UNLIMITED NUMBER OF VOICES and SAMPLES, through the use of MIDI.

PNOScan allows you to transmit voices through your acoustic piano with any MIDI PROGRAM SOFTWARE of your choice.

ALSO, The PAST METHOD of WRITING OUT musical notation, with pencil and paper, has been ELIMINATED, and YOUR PIANO MUSIC -- created, written, and notated THOUGH AN ACOUSTIC PIANO -- can be instantly saved for you to revisit, again, and again, and again.

The frustrating minutes upon hours, upon days, upon weeks, and months of writing out musical notation, frustrating as it can be, is gone, forever.

Writing music can eventually turn into years upon years of wasted time and effort: putting pencil to paper, erasing and recreating -- and of course, we ALWAYS REMEMBER to WRITE DOWN what we CREATE, the exact moment it arrives, right?

Writing down music is now a thing of the past.

Writing and creating music is now effortless, enjoyable, efficient, and NEVER AMOUNTS to a FLEETING or LOST MOMENT of UNCAPTURED CREATIVITY, or ANY LOSS of PASSION, at the ACOUSTIC PIANO.

QRS PNOScan III System -- Acoustic Piano Master MIDI Controller
Best Daytime Phone Number:

You are in CONTROL of COMPOSING at the PIANO, NOW.

You can FINALLY GET RID of your "OLD" and TIME CONSUMING METHODS of CREATING, WRITING, and CAPTURING your ACOUSTIC piano music and compositions, with mouse clicks or pencil shavings and lines.


This optical interface actually and optically reads at 1,000x per second EACH KEY, EVERY NOTE, EACH PHRASE, and DURATION, essentially EVERY MUSICAL PHRASE you write and create.

You can share your musical compositions, via email, instantly print them out, or simply save them to your hard drive - or the limitless cloud - whichever you prefer.

Use the PNO3 processor and simply play without pressing record, or press the record button of your notation software, and record every nuance of every key, including your sustain pedal, with PNOScan.

Call Us to Order a System:

(866) 488-KEYS (5397)

QRS PNOScan III System -- Acoustic Piano Master MIDI Controller
Best Daytime Phone Number:

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