Piano Humidity Control

Piano Humidity control is a crucial and fundamental first step towards protecting and maintaining your piano.

Moisture affects pianos for the reason that all pianos are made primarily out of wood. Seasonal changes in weather and humidity cause the wood in your piano to swell and to shrink, affecting three main areas:

  1. Tuning stability
  2. Touch and Performance
  3. Longevity of your piano

Pianos require an adequate amount of protection against daily and seasonal changes in weather and humidity.

Left unchecked, too much humidity can cause the keys to stick, the pitch to be raised sharp, or the touch to feel sluggish.

The lack of humidity on the other hand, has the potential to destroy your piano. The lack of moisture causes wood to crack, glue joints to loosen, and your piano to fall flat - in effect, needing to be tuned more often.

Piano Humidity Control:
Maintaining Constant 42%
Relative Humidity

A responsible piano owner will take the proper precautions to ensure the piano’s internal environment is consistently maintained at 42% relative humidity.

How is "42% Relative Humidity" accomplished?

Through the use of a piano humidity control system placed within your piano.

Otherwise known as a "humidifier" and "dehumidifier", made by Dampp-Chaser Electronics Corporation, this device automatically maintains humidity levels within your piano at 42-45% relative humidity, year round.

The unit runs silently in the background, is simple and easy to care for, and stays hidden inside your piano.

This unit works more effectively than a dehumidifier or a humidifier placed outside of your piano.

The Dampp-Chaser system is a handmade unit, and gives years of life to your piano, as well as life to those years, for but pennies a day.

Leading piano manufacturers have also recommended the system in the past and present. 

Made in the USA, this unit is sold all over the world - by the same company who has been in business since 1947, for over 75 years. 

The climate control system is endorsed by:

- Pianists
- Major Piano Manufacturers
- The Piano Technicians Guild
- Piano Technology Schools
- Soundboard Manufacturers
- Keyboard Manufacturers
- Recording Studios

Replacement Humidifier Pads &

Water Tank Treatment

BUY Replacement Humidifier

Pads & Treatment, here.


Complete Dampp-Chaser System

Prices Include Technician Installation and

5-Year Parts Warranty*

Vertical Piano 5-Part System w/Smart Bracket  $695.00

Vertical Piano 8-Part System w/Smart Bracket  $895.00

Grand 6-Part System w/SB - Fits Grands Up to 6'10"  $695.00

Grand 7-Part System w/SB - Fits Grands Longer than 6'10  >$895.00

Prices below do not include a technician's service visit, unless otherwise indicated.

Please Contact Us for more information.

Replacement Heater Bar - $99.00 - Technician Visit is Separate

Replacement H-5 Humidistat - $499.00 Includes Technician Visit

Replacement H-D Humidistat [Dehumidification only] $275.00

Replacement 48" /  25 watt dehumidifier rod -- $105.00

Replacement 36" / 25 watt dehumidifier rod -- $95.00

Replacement 24" / 25 watt dehumidifier rod -- $85.00

*Warranty is only valid when Dampp-Chaser parts are installed by a qualified piano technician, or Dampp-Chaser Certified Professional. Prices are subject to supplies and technician availability, and limited to the 48-contiguous United States. Please visit our Contact Us page to obtain a quote, or you may contact a Dampp-Chaser.com distributer outside of North America for more information.

Please enter the total dollar amount of a

Dampp-Chaser system listed above, and visit

Paypal.me/TotalPianoCare to send a payment.

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*Subject to our Website Sales and Order Policy, seen at the Terms and Conditions link, below.

If you would like to receive more information about the Dampp-Chaser piano humidity control system, including installation by a Certified and trained professional, please fill out the form below.

We will contact you within 24-48 hours, or you may call us at:

(866) 488-KEYS (5397)

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