Kawai Pianos
"The Future of the Piano"

K. Kawai Pianos made by The Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co. Ltd is a company based in Japan who manufactures pianos as well as other musical instruments.

Kawai is renowned all over the world for their signature grand and upright pianos, electronic keywords, and electronic synthesizers.

The company was founded in 1927 by Koichi Kawai, and since then, they have been headquartered in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan.

Kawai Piano Line

Kawai pianos are renowned not only for the quality music they produce but also for the durable yet stylish materials the pianos are made from.

The action in Kawai pianos is made from synthetic polymer material, instead of the traditional wood rod material. Early Kawai piano action editions were made of styran plastic, although it eventually progressed to a more sophisticated carbon fiber action. This choice of material kept the pianos from swelling, especially when humidity is high, thus lengthening the life of the piano.

An overview of the various grand piano models the company offers can be found, here:


Kawai started manufacturing synthesizers at the start of the 1980s under the brand name Teisco. These instruments were all analog and among the models carried in this line included 60F, 110F, 100F, 100P, SX-210, SX-240, and SX-400.

There was a point when Kawai ceased using the Teisco brand; that is why products were either labeled Teisco or Kawai. Later developments eventually yielded the Kawai KC-10 and KC-20, which were renowned simplistic PCM synthesizers. Before the company was able to release THE K5000X model, which featured the combination of the S and W models, the company stopped producing synthesizers after sales slipped.

The Kawai company history can be found HERE on their website.


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