About Us

Total Piano Care is a network of professional piano technicians, piano rebuilders, teachers, suppliers, dealerships, and piano movers who service clients across the United States.

Our network of piano technicians and piano rebuilders have made the field of piano technology their professional career, and actively work in this specialized field on a daily basis.

These professionals are not “hobbists” by trade. They are seasoned artisan craftsmen who have spent 1,000s of hours on a yearly basis repairing, maintaining, and restoring pianos of all makes and models.

These piano technicians have either been (1) formally trained from accredited schools, teaching organizations, or by apprenticeship, are (2) actively involved in businesses of their own, or (3) have spent countless years of training and practice, perfecting their knowledge and skills in the field of piano technology.

Every piano technician holds no less than a decade of experience within his/her respective career, and continues to actively work in the field of piano technology, namely, servicing, repairing, tuning, and rebuilding pianos.

If you are a:
- Piano Tuner
- Piano Technician
- Piano Rebuilder
- Piano Teacher
- Piano Mover
- Piano Dealer
- Piano Manufacturer

… and would like to join our network, please feel free to reach us at our contact page and we shall get back to you shortly. Please be sure to include a brief summary of your (1) career history and (2) experience in the field of piano technology.

Thank you for visiting us at our site. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

~ Total Piano Care


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