iPhone Siri Piano Technology

iPhone Siri Piano technology is now made possible through the Yamaha Disklavier digital player piano system.

With the iPhone Siri, you get a highly gifted virtual personal assistant to help you organize your life for the better.

For a demonstration of iPad piano control, click here.

Siri can perform a varied range of functions. Siri can tell you the time, give a report on the weather, provide directions when driving, compose and send out your messages, and offer dining and shopping recommendations.

Those are only a few of the wonderful and seemingly endless applications of the iPhone Siri. So it may not even surprise you to learn that Siri can now play the piano, in a sense.

A new innovation from Yamaha gives Siri control over a Disklavier digital player piano.

Craig Knudsen, an accomplished concert pianist who works as a consultant to the Yamaha Corporation, is the mind behind the amazing new innovation. Knudsen has been a successful developer of keyboard based software products, including the SmartKEY and CueTIME programs that are packaged with Yamaha Disklavier grand pianos.

These are hybrid acoustic / digital player pianos that can be played like a standard acoustic grand piano. However, they are augmented with high-tech electromechanical systems and sensors that enable the Disklavier to move the keys and pedals without the need of an actual person to operate the instrument.

The Yamaha Disklavier can serve as a digital player piano, performing music on its own without human interference. It contains a built-in control box that holds MIDI files of musical pieces, which the piano makes use of in rendering its performances.

You also have the option of loading a CD into the control unit. The Disklavier will play in synchronization with the current CD track.

The Yamaha Disklavier can also provide virtual accompaniment to a piece of music that you are playing. It has the ability to emulate the sound of over 600 instruments, and even provide the backing of a virtual orchestra.

The Disklavier can also record your piano session for future playback.

It can even serve as a music instructor, guiding you in learning a piece by indicating which key to strike by partly depressing it when it is meant to be played.

The Disklavier is really not just an instrument. It is a highly advanced home entertainment system.

You can control the Yamaha Disklavier remotely using Siri for the iPhone 4S. Once it has been configured, Siri will have the ability to take any music file on your iPhone and transmit its MIDI data to a Disklavier piano. It does this by means of a Wi-Fi connection to an AirPort Express hub that is hooked up to the Yamaha Disklavier control box, via a standard audio cable.

iPhone Siri piano technology is still just a beginning of future voice activated music technologies. Stay tuned for more information.



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