Hoffmann and Kühne Pianos

Hoffmann and Kühne pianos can be traced back the year 1899 in Germany. After a century of difficulties and circumstances, including two World Wars, natural disasters and other calamities that reached the headquarters of the company, the brand still continues to grow.

This paved the way of excellence as the company continued to expand their distribution all throughout the globe. Through the years, Hoffmann & Kühne developed several innovations to better give their instruments quality attributes, making them a top performing piano that would be loved by many, both the beginners and the professionals in the field of music.

Modern Hoffmann & Kühne Pianos

At present, Hoffmann & Kühne offers a great variety of pianos - grand, upright and console models. They currently offer five grands, twelve uprights and four consoles. Each model varies in their exterior physical attributes but share some common threads in their interior.

All pianos share the same action: hard maple parts, natural skin knuckles and backchecks. (Grand pianos have five die cast brackets while both the upright and consoles have three).

Another interior similarity of these pianos are their keys that are made up of Spruce key sticks with maple key buttons that are individually balanced and lead weighted.

They also share the same hammer material (High density Virgin Wool felt, T-pinned and reinforced) and the sound boards are made of solid spruce. All models are available in different finishes.

Many of their pianos share the same qualities, but some have specifications that are especially designed for specific models, to enhance each mechanism and actions of the piano.

To better understand Hoffmann & Kühne pianos, visit their website and see the specification table they have for everyone to base their choice on to purchase a Hoffmann & Kühne piano.


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