Kemble Pianos

Kemble Pianos turned one hundred years old in the year 2011. The brand continues to provide clients a satisfying experience when playing an instrument under this name.

The rich history and heritage of this piano’s innovation, tradition and craftsmanship give life to their distinct warm and intimate sound qualities.

Company History

Michael Kemble founded the Kemble Pianos was founded in 1911 in Stoke Newington, North London which at that time was known as the center of the UK’s piano manufacturing activity.

In the 1950s, Robert Kemble, a second-generation Kemble, took over the business and moved the company to a state-of-the-art factory in Bletchley, near today’s new city of Milton Keynes. The company experienced rapid sales growth and needed to expand.

The Kemble family made a partnership with The Yamaha Corporation of Japan in 1968 and, over the next few years, both parties of the partnership founded and developed Yamaha-Kemble Music (UK) Ltd.

Kemble and Co. started making a range of acoustic pianos for Yamaha in 1985; these pianos were to be sold in the UK market. Two years later, Kemble was chosen by Yamaha to become its European manufacturing partner. Brian Kemble, grandson of the founder, was appointed Managing Director in 1986.

In 1992, Kemble and Co. received The Queen's Award for Export Achievement, making them the only British company in the piano industry ever to receive this accolade. Kemble collaborated with Austrian piano manufacture Bösendorfer in 2009 and released the Special Edition Chopin model (200 years after Chopin's birth); during that same year Kemble also moved the manufacturing of their piano to Yamaha's factories in the Far East.

During this year (2011) Kemble celebrates their 100th year of making one of the finest quality pianos.

Piano Models

Currently, Kemble offers only one Grand Piano, the KC173 Grand. It measures 173cm long and is made in by Yamaha in Japan. Their upright pianos come in four different collections namely the Professional (comes in three models: The Chopin, The Conservatoire and the K121 CL), Contemporary (offered in two models: The CT121 Contemporary and the Oxford Contemporary), Family (available in three models: The Classic T, The Concerto and The Cambridge) and the Silent Piano (a combination of the traditional and electric piano with private earphones feature) collections.

All their pianos are ensured to be of high quality that can give anyone an unforgettable music playing experience.

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Kemble Pianos
Serial Numbers - Piano Age

1930 - 32100
1935 - 47000
1940 - 70900
1946 - 75000
1950 - 81700
1955 - 95000
1960 - 109700
1965 - 123500
1970 - 139100
1975 - 165800
1980 - 197980
1985 - 217811
1990 - 235000
1995 - 262730
2000 - 298201
2002 - 308992

Click Here to Visit the Kemble Pianos Company Website


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