Perzina Pianos

Perzina T-152 Series

For over 140 years in the market, Perzina pianos have endured the test of time... in addition to other business crises.

Despite the fact that most of Perzina’s contemporaries — piano manufacturing companies established around the time Perzina was also founded — have long ago shut down operations, Perzina pianos has persisted and survived.

To this day, the company continues to offer high quality pianos to musicians and pianists around the world.

Company History

On July 1, 1871 Julius and Albert Perzina opened a shop in Schwerin in Germany. They painted their workshop with the name “Gebrüder Perzina”, German for Perzina brothers. They started with only 12 craftsmen and production was rather limited, with 20 pianos manufactured during their first year.

By the turn of the century, Perzina enjoyed rapid growth as their piano manufacturing output rose from 20 to 1000 pianos per year (by 1910). The company’s market expanded eventually, catering to clients from all over the world, from Asia to Australia to South America. The company eventually mass manufactured Perzina Grand Pianos in 1905.

In between the two world wars and the succeeding turbulent political and economic instability in Germany, many piano manufacturing companies perished as free trade was forbidden. Despite these events, Perzina survived and continued to manufacture pianos.

Today, the company’s piano manufacturing is accomplished in China.

Those Who Support Perzina

The rise to fame of this piano brand is proof of their high quality and dedication to music, otherwise it will never have achieved its present day status.

Perzina pianos are patronized by celebrities in the history of musical arts. In fact, the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin granted Perzina the title: "piano supplier to the court." After this grant of Royal Warrant, more royal warrants and titles followed, with the likes of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands joining the Dukes of Oldenburg in recognizing Perzina as the piano supplier to royalties.

The company also received many praises from renowned musical personalities; the director of the Royal Dutch Opera wrote of Perzina in 1900: "The Perzina pianos distinguish themselves through their remarkably beautiful tone and sound. They are very pleasant to play and are of sound and solid construction. The prices of these instruments are moreover much lower than that of the other first-class pianos. I can hence, with full conviction, warmly recommend 'the Perzina piano' ".

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