Story and Clark Pianos

STORY & CLARK Grand Piano.

Story and Clark pianos are among the most innovative pianos in the world. They have combined the features of the traditional piano along with some of the latest technology in piano manufacturing.

With this combination, the player can enjoy the best experience of playing the piano with quality features of a well-made piano.

Company History

The history of the Story and Clark can be traced from 1857 when Hampton L. Story built his first piano. He began as a salesman but was able to buy it from the owner and had several piano companies from 1859 to 1883. The company and partnership with Melville Clark in 1884 in Chicago, Illinois together with Hampton L. Story and his son Edward H. Story.

Story combined quality craftsmanship, tone and affordability of his work with Clark’s technological advances to create the best piano of their time. Their partnership did well enough that they were able to open up new manufacturing companies in England and Germany.

Melvin Clark left their partnership in 1901 and opened his own piano company which later became famous for player pianos.

Present Day Manufacturing

The company has been sold and split up many times but the pianos are still being sold under the same name. Following Clark’s technological advances, the player units, manufactured by QRS Music Technologies, can be fully expanded as a current electronic keyboard or MIDI controller.

Each unit is can be ordered with a MIDI strip, that fits underneath the piano's keyboard, and installed with MIDI and USB out ports docked within the piano. 

Grand piano models are categorized into two (2) series - the Academy grand and the Artist Professional Grand series.

The serial numbers printed on each piano are referenced with the age of the unit, relating to the year of the piano's manufacture. The number can be seen stamped on the cast iron plate near the tuning pins, on the key stop rail, and/or on the soundboard.

Serial Numbers - Piano Age

Find your Story and Clark Piano's serial number along with the piano age in the chart below.

1895 --- 1900 1970 - 449000
1900 --- 5335 1971 - 463000
1905 -- 15600 1972 - 477000
1910 -- 30700 1973 - 491000
1915 -- 53200 1974 - 505000
1920 -- 78800 1975 - 519000
1925 - 107300 1976 - 533000
1930 - 128100 1977 - 528764
1935 - 134000 1978 - 541325
1940 - 160000 1979 - 555769
1946 - 177000 1980 - 569807
1950 - 208000 1981 - 582627
1955 - 254000 1982 - 591528
1960 - 307000 1983 - 609023
1961 - 321000 1984 - 614775
1962 - 335000 1985 - 636890
1963 - 349000 1986 - 638110
1964 - 364000 1987 - 640771
1965 - 379000 1990 - 700001
1966 - 393000 1995 - 703128
1967 - 407000 1998 - 707000
1968 - 421000
1969 - 435000

For More Information Visit the Story and Clark Piano Website -- CLICK Here

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Visit our Appraisals Page to Learn More -- CLICK HERE


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