Wyman Pianos

Visit the Wyman pianos company website -- Click Here

Wyman Pianos are making their way to rank as one of the most sought after pianos in the world. The company is gaining more recognition and support from musicians and pianists as the years go by. Despite its new start, Wyman is becoming one of the most preferred brands by both professionals and beginners alike.

History and Manufacturing

The founders of Wyman are simply the people who were also behind one of the most famous names in the field of piano manufacturing - Baldwin Pianos.

The Wyman factory has been manufacturing pianos since 1949, and now holds an annual record that had exceeded 50,000 pianos per year.

Wyman USA executives schedule frequent visits to the factory site to personally discuss production plans, monitor products during the manufacturing process for quality assurance, and inspect finished instruments to ensure the quality of their products. This joint effort across international boundaries is their key to fulfilling the Wyman promise of quality and value.

Instruments’ Core Features

These new Wyman pianos feature proprietary cabinet designs, including classic grand piano styling. All Wyman models are manufactured in their state of the art factory in Asia but are based on proven German scale designs.

Read more about Wyman Upright Pianos -- Click Here

Wyman Grand Piano Specifications -- Click Here

Expansion and other activities

Since the company's beginning, Wyman company’s expansion has grown to many places that include significant key accounts across United States of America as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan.

Wyman is also an active affiliate of the Piano Manufacturers Association International and its educational section, the National Piano Foundation also supported by key piano manufacturers to further increase piano playing in America and elsewhere.

Wyman Piano Company actively supports key industry organizations such as the Piano Technicians Guild and the National Association of Music Merchants by holding annual major exhibits in their conventions.

During the past few years, Wyman has also rendered active participation in the annual and international Musikmesse Trade Fairs Frankfurt, Germany and Shanghai, China.

Looking for the Current Market Value of your Wyman Piano?
Visit our Appraisals Page to Learn More -- CLICK HERE


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