Blüthner Pianos

Blüthner Pianos, officially known as Julius Blüthner Pianofortefabrik GmbH is a German-based company that specializes in manufacturing top quality pianos. The company is distinguished for their long line of pianos, that to this day retains a significant role in piano manufacturing history.

Company History

Blüthner Pianos was established by Julius Blüthner together with three other craftsmen in 1853 in Leipzig, Germany. In 1854, Blüthner exhibited the company’s first designed instrument in public, which received praises for being a topnotch concert instrument. The ornate cases were top of the line, being decorated with veneer, mother of pearls and gold leaves.

In 1872, the patented Aliquot System of stringing was invented and has since then played a distinguished role to manufacturing quality pianos worldwide. After its destruction from the air raid in 1943, the company was rebuilt in 1945 soon after the war. Despite several storms and other issues that it has faced, the company has stood for 162 years defining the words of its founder Julius Blüthner “May God prevail”.

Piano Designs and Editions

Today, Blüthner Pianos produces three different editions of their musical instruments; the Classic Edition, which includes six different designs of grand pianos and three different designs of upright pianos; the Supreme Edition with four different designs for both the grand and the upright pianos; and the Special Edition, only having two grand piano designs, the Julius Blüthner and the Queen Victoria.

Who Chooses Blüthner

All through out its history, Blüthner Pianos have manufactured instruments which have been used by several known personalities, musicians, concert halls, music festivals and universities.

Known famous personalities in history that have chosen Blüthner included Queen Victoria of Great Britain, Nicholas II Tsar of Russia, Makarcius III Archbishop of Cyprus and many more. Some of the famous musicians that have chosen to play their masterpieces with Blüthner pianos are Mikhail Pletnev, Arthur Pizzaro, Wilhelm Kempff, the composer Franz Liszt, Claude Debussy, recording artist Wolfgang Sauer, directors Johann Starauss and Igor Markevitch and many more.

Concert Hall, Universities and Music Festivals such as University of Leipzig, Piano Competition Ecole de la Music Superiore, Paris; Skywalker Sound Studio, Nicasio, CA; Court of Queen Victoria of England; Royal Albert Hall, London; Tchaikovsky Piano Competition, Moscow; Court of Kaiser Franz Josef; International Competition, Austria; Court of King Christian IX, Tivoli, Copenhagen; La Scala of Milan; Ecole et Conservatorie of Florence have all chosen to perform in public with Blüthner pianos.

Known as the piano with the “Golden Tone”, many people all throughout the globe are using Blüthner pianos because of their high quality craftsmanship, their top class performance, as well as the ornate cases they showcase.

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Bluthner Piano?

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Bluthner Pianos
Serial Numbers - Piano Age

Find the age of your Blüthner piano using the chart found below:

1853 - 700
1855 - 1500
1860 - 2500
1862 - 4800
1865 - 6500
1868 - 8100
1870 - 9200
1875 - 13200
1880 - 18500
1885 - 25000
1890 - 31000
1891 - 32000
1892 - 34000
1893 - 36000
1894 - 39000
1895 - 42000
1896 - 45000
1897 - 47000
1898 - 49000
1899 - 52000
1900 - 55000
1901 - 57500
1902 - 60000
1903 - 62500
1905 - 67500
1910 - 81000
1915 - 94000
1920 - 100000
1925 - 109000
1930 - 115000
1935 - 119500
1940 - 125500
1943 - 127000
1946 - 128000
1947 - 128100
1948 - 128200
1949 - 128500
1950 - 128800
1955 - 130600
1960 - 133006
1965 - 137500
1970 - 140000
1975 - 142500
1980 - 144900
1985 - 146800
1986 - 147200
1987 - 147500
1988 - 147800
1990 - 148300
1991 - 148600
1992 - 148900
1995 - 149200
2000 - 150200
2003 - 150800


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