Boston Pianos
Designed by Steinway & Sons

Boston pianos are one of the three brand units designed by the Steinway and Sons piano company. The company was founded by a German immigrant, Sir Henry E. Steinway. Together with his sons, they began to manually manufacture pianos one at a time, applying their mastery and time for pianos which became noted for their excellent qualities.

Their efforts lead to the opening of factories in what is now the Astoria section of Queens in New York and also in Hamburg Germany.

Years later, beginning in 1991, the Boston Piano Company was founded. This collaboration between Steinway and Sons and Kawai had found a way to produce top-quality pianos at mid-range prices.

The two new brands of Boston and Essex pianos were born. Boston pianos are manufactured in Japan, whereas the Essex line of piano is manufactured in China.

As a tradition of the Steinway & Sons company, each Boston piano is crafted with much expertise. Parts are assembled manually, for this very reason, each unit takes up to a year to be fully completed.

Boston pianos are known for their enhanced features which earned their alias as the Performance Edition of Steinway pianos. It also comes with the OctagripTM Pinblock, one of their 130 registered patents, which allows for a smoother pin turn and a more consistent pin torque that leads to a more precise tuning.

Boston pianos come in six grand piano models and four upright piano models. Serial numbers can be found on the cast iron plate between the tuning pins above the keyboard. On Steinway upright pianos, the serial number can be located on the top of the wrest plank above the cast iron plate when you open the lid.

Learn More About Boston Pianos -- Click Here

Several famous musicians and performers are known to have chosen the use of Boston pianos. Also, ensembles such as the American Piano Quartet, The Gryphon Trio and The Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh are also known to have been using the Boston piano brand by Steinway. 

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