Hobart M. Cable Pianos

Hobart M Cable pianos have been recognized as an American standard in top quality pianos since their founding. The name alone evokes the concept of pure American heritage and musical ingenuity that never fails to impress pianists, musicians, collectors, and even the audience.

Company History

Hobart M. Cable was established in 1900 in LaPorte, Indiana and was built in the United States for over 65 years. Prior to 1900, Hobart M. Cable was an affiliate of the Cable Piano Company together with other Cables, specifically his brothers Fayette S. Cable and H.D. Cable.

The brand was in business until the mid-1960’s. At some point, the Story and Clark Piano Company made the instrument for resale by Cable.

Recently, the brand was acquired by the America Sejung Corp. The new owner decided to retain the name of Hobart M. Cable, with the desire to continue the legacy and heritage of this American piano with their distinctive characteristics.

America Sejung Corp. event spent time and money in carefully and assiduously making the efforts to again make available to North America the instrument that embodies this musical heritage.

Distinctive Characteristics

The distinctive characteristics of the brand are remarkably soulful; pure tone qualities are combined with extraordinary power. The way the instruments are manufactured are distinguished for their strength and firmness and for many other superior features, which are generally the factors that contribute to the piano’s general excellence.

The scientific basis of quality in the Hobart M. Cable piano is the scale. This is of the smooth, constant and fulfilling quality that captures the trained musical ear.

The great growth of the Hobart M. Cable pianos owes its reason to this very inner secret of manufacturing and their action mechanisms.

Hobart M. Cable pianos are notable instruments, possessing all of the fundamental qualities and attributes of a mid to high-grade piano.

Despite the fact that it has lost its original owner’s touch, the name that it bears proves the expertise and concepts of Mr. Hobart M. Cable are still enacted and embodied in every piano the America Sejung Corp. now manufactures under his name.

Hobart M. Cable
Serial Numbers - Piano Age Lookup

Please reference the following years and serial numbers to research the age of your Hobart M. Cable Piano. From years 1926 to 1929, grand pianos used their own serial numbers.

1926 - 2000 1928 - 3000 1927 - 2500 1929 - 3500


1901 - 1900 . . . . 1965 - 379000
1905 - 15300 . . . 1966 - 393000
1910 - 30900 . . . 1967 - 407000
1915 - 47200 . . . 1969 - 435000
1920 - 63500 . . . 1972 - 477000
1925 - 83600 . . . 1973 - 491000
1930 - 107000 . . 1974 - 505000
1935 - 132000 . . 1976 - 533000
1940 - 155000 . . 1979 - 555769
1942 - 164000 . . 1980 - 769807
1949 - 200000 . . 1981 - 582627
1950 - 214000 . . 1983 - 595226
1955 - 252000 . . 1986 - 638110
1960 - 307000 . . 1987 - 6407711
1962 - 335000

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