Ibach Pianos: A Never-ending History of Piano Making

Ibach pianos. There is no better way to get a piano than to get one from the world’s oldest piano manufacturing firm. Established in 1794, Ibach to this day continues to become a leader in the piano manufacturing industry. With the timeless class and quality sound each piano brings, there’s really no question why pianists and music enthusiasts can’t help but enjoy playing Ibach pianos.

The company remains in the hands of the very family that founded it, operated today by a 7th generation piano manufacturer. When you buy an Ibach piano, you don’t just buy an ordinary instrument. What comes with every instrument is a 200-year history of rich experience and elegance that only Ibach pianos have to offer.

Aside from giving fine tunes, Ibach pianos are also praised for their perfect and eye-catching exteriors, thanks to their extraordinary cabinetry, designed by well-known architects and artists.

Ibach pianos come in a variety of designs. You have a rich choice among the uprights, grands, Richard Meier collection, and the Ibach editions.

Their upright pianos range from B-114 classic and traditional and the more B-118 and K-122 modern and traditional models to the exclusion and limited K-125 editions. Coming with these are accessories that you can buy separately, ranging from piano benches that match according to your piano's make, to hand operated locks that will give security for your piano.

If you prefer the models with bigger sound, their grand pianos are excellent choices. Ibach has several of them and you can choose from the black-polished F-I 165 model to the signature Richard Strauss Grand piano model or Richard Wagner black-polished piece.

Whatever your choice is, you can expect for the best sound from these grands because each is manufactured with duplex scaling and a sustenuto pedal. Each model is available in different shades and colors, depending on your preference.

The Richard Meier piano models are unique - no other piano manufacturers carry these unique pianos designed by the famous architect.

Although the Ibach piano manufacturing was founded in 1794, the company experienced a major increase in the 1870s which prompted the owners to move to a bigger factory in Barmen. This enabled them to enjoy much bigger facilities that furthered the production and in turn boosting their sales. In 1880, the company moved to bigger factory in Schwelm, a former textile factory.

The company modified its piano manufacturing process and eventually became one of the largest and most modern of its kind in the country of Germany. Today, the Schwelm factory is still operating, manufacturing upright pianos, while the Berlin and Barmen factories produce grand pianos.

Visit Ibach’s company website by clicking HERE.


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