Klavins Piano: Maker of the World’s Biggest Piano

Klavins Piano has the distinction of being ahead of its time. With its eclectic and contemporary pieces, it continues to dominate a market that never ceases to look for the latest and the most advanced.

Indeed, a new dimension of piano building is what defines Klavins, with its superb, quality, and high class pianos redefining the way we look at piano making today. With the penchant for holding records, Klavins had achieved its crowning glory when it produced the biggest piano in the world, the Klavins Piano Model 450i Vertical Concert Grand.

The Klavins-Piano Model 450i predecessor, the 370, was introduced to the public in 1987. Measuring 370 cm in height, the Model 370 remains unsurpassed to this day in representing a perfect novum in many ways, being a unique example of profound progress in an industry that favors tradition over convenience and practicality.

Klavins Piano Model 370 is a one-of-a-kind instrument. After all, it was the world’s biggest piano, according to Guinness Book of World Records. It has a sound board double the size of a concert grand, weighs two tons, a bass string that measures 3 mm in diameter and a sounding length that reaches more than 3 meters.

Meanwhile, a newer and improved model, the Model 450i is an upgrade to the Klavins Model 370. Although the two enjoy a similar acoustic and technological design, the difference lies in the extended length (370cm/12ft. vs 450cm/14.76 ft. length), and significantly improved technology to match changing needs and innovations. What’s remarkable about this model is that it can be mounted within a wall, and it can also be fixed between two vertical beams.

Another first in the piano making industry, the Klavins Model 450i Vertical Concert Grand gives the owner the option to have it built in as an integrated element within a building. This offers a host of benefits that make this piano unmatched by traditional concert grand pianos, including a highly improved acoustic system and space capabilities, enhancing the piano’s optimal sound thus preventing distortion or warping of any sort.

Every single Klavins piano gives you a sense of uniqueness. Not everyone owns a Klavins piano. You have a 'one-of-a-kind', handcrafted instrument, custom made for your preferences and needs. In fact, you can choose the size of your desire, depending on the quality of power or level of sound you want, or the specifications of the building where you want to place it. You also have a say as to the basic sound character and voicing of the piano. But what’s great is that Klavins’ chic look and contemporary design makes it a valuable addition to your décor. Its visual appearance is designed in so many ways that is pleasing to the eyes, exuding classy splendor wherever it is.



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