Kohler and Campbell Pianos

Kohler & Campbell pianos are products of the ingenious minds of two people, Charles Kohler and John Calvin Campbell. In 1896, they joined forces to form the partnership that later on made a big name in the world of musical instruments.

When they first teamed up in New York, Campbell was a machinist who had made several genius machines using wood and iron while Kohler was a piano maker and was also considered a genius in factory management and business. Together they created a new line of music, by creating one of the best piano lines on the market.

Present Day Manufacturing

Kohler and Campbell manufactures both grand and vertical pianos. Each piano is classified in to two categories - the Millennium series and the New York series. Both the Millennium and New York Series of grand pianos have six models. There are eight vertical Millennium vertical pianos and four New York vertical pianos.

These models are manufactured with the finest materials and expert craftsmanship from around the world, including Germany, South Korea, Canada and Indonesia. Serial numbers can be seen either on the inside cover of the instrument or above the iron plate on the left or right side.

Piano Features

The pianos are made through the combined power of technology and expert manual craftsmanship with over 40 years of experience. The tapered and shaped soundboard is made from the finest quality of spruce, created by Andre Bolduc (known worldwide for his expert and unique skill in this trade).

All Kohler and Campbell pianos, like any other high quality and expensive pianos, are created using the world famous Renner action and hammers that come from Germany. A variety of exotic and durable wood is used to create the pianos, including Mahogany, Bubinga, Ebony, Meranti and Agathis.

Serial Numbers - Piano Age

Find the age of your Kohler and Campbell piano using the chart found below:

1900 - 10000
1905 - 46000
1912 - 164000
1913 - 150000
1915 - 165000
1916 - 179000
1917 - 190000
1918 - 198000
1920 - 206000
1921 - 210000
1923 - 223000
1924 - 237000
1925 - 237000
1926 - 240000
1928 - 258000
1929 - 264000
1931 - 267000
1932 - 268000
1933 - 270000
1934 - 272000
1936 - 276000
1937 - 278000
1948 - 403000
1949 - 406000

Vertical and Grand Pianos, 1950 - 1983:

1950 - 408000
1955 - 503000
1958 - 521000
1960 - 535000
1961 - 542000
1962 - 551000
1963 - 560000
1964 - 570000
1965 - 579000
1966 - 589000
1967 - 601500
1968 - 611000
1969 - 621000
1970 - 631500
1971 - 643000
1972 - 653500
1973 - 660000
1974 - 683000
1975 - 695000
1976 - 708500
1977 - 712000
1978 - 722500
1979 - 737000
1980 - 754000
1981 - 767000
1982 - 780000
1983 - 795491

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