Schimmel Pianos

Schimmel pianos are manufactured in Germany; the company is based in Leipzig. Schimmel is distinguished for their top quality concert pianos.

In April 2011, the company underwent financial restructuring. Today the company is fully owned and managed by the Schimmel family.

Schimmel celebrated their 125th anniversary in May 2010, where the marked announcement was made that the company will begin to manufacturer newer models of pianos.

Company History

Founded by Wilhelm Schimmel in Leipzig, Germany, Schimmel Pianos have become famous because of their quality.

Wilhelm Schimmel started his company on May 2, 1885. In 1927, Wilhelm Arno Schimmel, a second generation Schimmel, continued the legacy. He moved the production location to Brunswick. In 1961 the company was passed on to Nikolaus Wilhelm Schimmel, grandson of Wilhelm Schimmel, founder.

Schimmel Pianos remain to be one of the few companies that is still run by the descendants of its founders. Up until today, this company is owned and managed by the Schimmel family.


The piano brand Schimmel was named after Wilhelm Schimmel. He was known as a folk sculptor, or wood carver. The company produces four lines of pianos - the Schimmel Konzert, Schimmel classic, Vogel (by Schimmel) and May Berlin (selected by Schimmel).

All these piano model lines have their own grand and upright versions with varying appearances based on the specific models.

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Recent Awards Won

Between the years 1996 to 2001, the top French magazine Choc de la Monde de la Musique awarded and honored Schimmel pianos the quality and magnificence of the following piano models: Model 120 I (1996), SP 182 T (1997), S 125 DN (1999), CC 213 T (2000) and GP 169 T (2001). In 1998, another top top French magazine, Diapason, honored them for a separate work for their piano model 116 S.

Contribution to Piano Technology

The Schimmel piano company has conducted innovative experiments with the appearance of the piano. These include manufacturing a grand piano with rim, lid, and other case parts made of acrylic glass. The acoustic properties of the material used are labeled excellent.

However, the somewhat lurid appearance of the acrylic piano, as well as its high cost, have kept this instrument as a novelty item. Schimmel has also partnered with artists Otmar Alt and Luigi Colani to produce other pianos of unconventional and majestic appearance.

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