Sherman Clay Pianos

For over a hundred years, Sherman Clay Pianos have paved their way as one of the most recognized pianos of both professionals and beginners.

Being one of the oldest piano names still in existence in today’s market, Sherman Clay enjoys the favor of many as they continue to serve the public with their unwavering quality of musical instruments.


Leander Sherman founded the company in 1870 after buying out A.A. Rosenberg’s music store. The buy out was made possible after he obtained a loan for the capital. He soon enjoyed increased business growth after he opened his business. Nevertheless, Sherman was forced to sell out part-ownership of his business to F.A. Hyde due to financial constraints.

The company then took on the name Sherman and Hyde until 1876 when a retired Army major, C.C. Clay bought Hyde’s share of the business. It was then that the business became Sherman Clay after the signing of a new partnership - the name they still carry today.

The company expanded from then on until 1905. In 1906, an earthquake started a fire that devoured the entire Kearny Street building store of Sherman and Clay, but the books and records were saved. During the following decades, the company rose to an even much higher ground with even more expansions.

Over fifty years ago, Sherman and Clay pianos were purchased by Bern Schwartz and today, Schwartz’s sons carry on the legacy of Sherman and Clay pianos; exerting every effort to live up to the name the Leander Sherman and C.C. Clay have made.

What Sherman Clay Offered Pre-Closure:

Sherman Clay once housed and represented three major piano brands: Steinway, Yamaha and Henry F. Miller, offered in both new and used conditions. They also offered piano rentals for those who have not yet made up their mind about buying their own piano. Service and repairs were also available. 

In 2013, Sherman Clay announced it was exiting the retail business in California, which was its primary, longtime home base, after 142 years.

The company made this announcement on May 31st, 2013. 

Of the remaining stores that were piano dealerships, the California locations in San Francisco and Walnut Creek were sold to Steinway and Sons, while the stores in Roseville and San Bruno were closed.

Two other out-of-state stores in Seattle and Houston were closed in 2013. The Houston store was closed in June and the Seattle store was closed in September 2013.

The Seattle, WA location was the company's last store to permanently close. 

Looking for the Current Market Value on your Sherman Clay Piano?
Visit our Valuations Page to Learn More -- CLICK HERE


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