Tips to Buy a New Piano:
How to Save a Minimum of >$1,000

Tips to Buy a New Piano. We invite you to please consider these piano buying tips BEFORE visiting ANY piano dealership, for ANY new or used piano at ANY cost for sale. In fact, we encourage you to Contact Us First Before Visiting A Dealer to negotiate the best price of a new or used piano, for you.

Blog Post Update: January 28, 2025

The beginning - and especially, the end - of the year is one of the best times to buy a NEW piano, for several reasons.

If you are buying a used piano, click here, for a checklist of what to watch out for when considering a used piano for sale.

As a piano technician, pianist, and former piano salesperson at a well respected piano dealership ['names have been concealed'...], I've compiled a few brief but CRITICAL tips to review below BEFORE marching in to bargain and/or 'price shop' at your local piano dealer.

I encourage you to please (1) print out this list, in addition to (2) the page link you see below (see #3). These tips will save you at least $1,000 - minimum - on any NEW piano you decide to buy, no matter how great a deal you think you may be getting (and have been promised) at your local piano dealership.

SO before you go in to spend ANYTHING, on ANY new piano, at ANY piano dealership, please review the tips you see below, BEFORE going in to bargain with their salespeople.

1 - Shop around, online. lists ALL retail prices of 98% of new pianos for sale on the market. After you gather the facts and piano brands you want to go after, run a comparison (free tool of incredible value) on their website on pianos of similar size and value.

2 - Be willing to walk away. In many respects, piano dealers are no different than new and used car dealers. Research ads - both local and online - from piano dealers' competitors, and see whether or not a local dealer would be willing to price match.

Choose ads from both off-line (newspaper, mailer, flyer, etc.) and online sources.

Most piano dealers are willing to match the cost and terms of an ad posted by their competition (online & offline) to make way for this year's and next year's inventory.

If they refuse to budge, hand them a piece of paper with your (1) name, (2) e-mail or phone number (burner number is best, if the salesman seems pushy), (3) the piano brand / model you're interested in, and (4) your BEST out the door price (piano + tax + delivery + 2 or 4 tunings = one cost) and walk away.

Notice, I said, "Your" out the door price. Not theirs.

You've done your homework. You know what you want to pay.

You're not their average shopper, so give them a chance to respond.

But most importantly, give them a chance to explain their position to you also.

If THEY are truly SERIOUS and SINCERE about making the sale, they will at least consider your terms and offer and give you their best counteroffer.

3 - Insist on two o (2) or four (4) in-home tunings - included in the price - during the 1st year in service.

You might [politely] remind the dealer [please excuse all caps], 'PER THE MANUFACTURER AND The NATIONAL PIANO MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION'S RECOMMENDATION' or the Piano Technician's Guild website (see link below).

Do not let them tell you "the pianos have been kept in tune on the showroom floor" and "they require only the first initial tuning" included in the cost after delivery.

{Proof} PRINT out this page for reference, and bring it with you to the dealer:

4 - Ask for their 100% "Upgrade and Trade-In Option". Granted AND Guaranteed, valid within 5 years of the purchase date. Get it in writing.

Some dealers will offer to upgrade a piano, applying 100% of the purchase price to a 'higher' and more expensive model, within 5 years. Some offer this option within 10 years. 5 years is fair, 10 years is better.

5 - Dealer should include, at no extra charge, delivery & setup within the price tag of the piano.

LOCAL delivery can range anywhere from $350 to $550+ for baby grand and grand pianos with no stairs, extra steps, or sharp turns - or, all of the above. "Free local delivery" is quickly becoming an extra added benefit and a 'higher standard of service' in the retail piano industry.

6 - Ask to apply for 0% APR or Same as Cash Financing. Most piano dealers will offer 0% APR financing on approved credit. Manufacturers such as Yamaha, Steinway, Kawai, and others offer 0% financing at various times during the year to boost sales.

All you need to do is ask. While the bank does charge the dealer a 6% to 10% fee, which generally depends on the length and dollar amount of the loan term among other factors. In the event your credit application is approved, many dealers will allow you to apply for this type of promotional financing, that is, if the dealer is willing to make the sale.   

BONUS TIP: Most lenders will offer you an application which only requires a Soft Credit Inquiry from your consumer credit report.

A soft credit pull does not affect your FICO score. This application option allows you to verify if you're pre-approved for financing before the bank places a hard inquiry on your credit report when applying for a loan. 

Generally speaking, these soft credit pulls do not affect your credit score, before you decide to go through with a final application to apply for financing. 

Always ask the bank if the application you are filling out will place a soft inquiry or a hard inquiry on your credit report.

The above statements are not intended as or represented as being any tax, legal, or financial advice. Please do your own research beforehand and proceed at your own risk.  

7 - Buy the Piano Book by Larry Fine and visit

Visit Get the book and read, immediately.

This is the LEAST EXPENSIVE INSURANCE you can find when searching for a new or used piano for sale.

Educate yourself. Know your options. And get ready to...

Surpass the knowledge of the dealer.

Read the Piano Book. Study it. Learn what makes pianos differ, and don't let dealers talk you into buying something of inferior quality [e.g. low-grade mass produced pianos made in China], when you can own something of superior quality, near the same cost, made with superior materials, craftsmanship, testing, and quality control, and preparation.  

These are only a few tips to consider when shopping for the best deal on a new piano for sale.

8 - Contact us BEFORE going into a dealership - and not after.

Sorry, not sorry. We can't help you after you've decided to go in all by yourself to a dealer, trying to negotiate the terms, price, and trade-in options on your own.

We would be delighted, though, to help you negotiate the terms of the sale before, during, and after visiting a piano dealer to make a purchase.

Please INVEST in the Piano Book before you decide to search for a new or used piano for sale. It's worth every cent.

We hope you've enjoyed these tips on buying a new piano and encourage you to contact us if you need any further or future advice or assistance.

You owe it to yourself, your family, your institution, and your organization as you educate yourself further on piano quality and piano maintenance, as you actively seek out and select the best piano of your choice, to enjoy for a lifetime.


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