Wm. Knabe and Co. Pianos

Visit the Wm. Knabe Website -- Click Here

Wm. Knabe Pianos remain as one of the most celebrated piano brands in the world.

Despite the long pattern of turnovers and shifts from one owner to another, the long list of turnovers has not changed the quality of the products and the satisfaction Knabe pianos give to whomever plays them.

Company History

The start of Wm. Knabe and Co. pianos can be traced back to the 1830s. After his move to the United States from Germany, William Knabe worked for a well-known piano maker, Henry Hartge, and four years later, in 1837, Knabe started selling and repairing used pianos on his own.

In 1839, Knabe opened a partnership with Henry Gaehle, as Knabe & Gaehle, for the purpose of manufacturing pianos in Baltimore, Maryland. The company made drastic success until the early 1850’s. Following Gaehle’s death in 1855, Knabe advertised that he bought all the rights of the company and continued the business as Wm. Knabe and Co.

After his death on May 21, 1864, Wilhem Knabe was succeeded by his son William Knabe and his son-in-law Charles Keidel. In 1908, the Knabe company incorporated, and joined the American Piano Company. In 1932, Aeolian purchased American, and together they formed the Aeolian-American Corporation Knabe became part of the Mason & Hamlin Corporation, along with Falcone, Sohmer, and George Steck.

Today, Wm. Knabe and Co. is one of the top lines of pianos manufactured by Samick Musical Instruments, Ltd.

Present Day Manufacturing

Samick acquired the name Wm. Knabe and Co. from PianoDisc, the owner of Mason and Hamlin in 2001. As of 2007, Samick offers Knabe in seven different designs; three sizes for grand pianos and four sizes for upright pianos.

Samick opened a distributor center and factory in Tennessee where Knabe and other piano lines are manufactured. In 2010, Samick made the announcement that the rims for Knabe pianos are constructed and assembled in Korean factories and shipped to Tennessee to have the actions assembled and regulated.

For over one hundred years, Wm. Knabe and Co. pianos have maintained its name and quality despite the transfer of assets and rights.

More details about Knabe's history can be found at the Knabe Institute website: http://www.knabeinstitute.org/the-knabe-legacy.html

Wm. Knabe and Co.
Serial Numbers and Piano Age

1850 -- 4100 1961 - 164998
1855 -- 5900 1962 - 166559
1860 -- 7400 1963 - 168148
1865 - 10000 1964 - 169626
1870 - 13000 1965 - 171287
1875 - 16000 1966 - 172986
1880 - 20000 1967 - 174764
1885 - 27000 1968 - 176379
1890 - 33000 1969 - 177801
1895 - 43000 1970 - 179259
1900 - 47000 1971 - 180177
1905 - 57000 1972 - 180871
1910 - 68000 1973 - 182171
1915 - 78000 1974 - 183886
1920 - 88000 1975 - 185468
1925 - 97400 1976 - 187038
1929 - 106100 1977 - 188635
1930 - 107300 1978 - 190686
1935 - 114100 1979 - 192324
1940 - 124000 1980 - 194164
1946 - 133500 1981 - 195484
1950 - 144620 1982 - 196284
1955 - 154300 1983 - 197840
1960 - 162750

Interested in finding the value of your Wm Knabe piano? Visit our appraisals page to find out more information!

Visit the Wm. Knabe Website -- Click Here

Looking for the Current Market Value of your Wm. Knabe Piano?
Visit the Appraisals Page for more information -- CLICK HERE

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